TUBITAK 2022 UBYT Journal List Announced

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One of the most important objectives of the TUBITAK International Scientific Publication Incentive (UBYT) Programme, which has important contributions to our researchers' gaining the habit of publishing in internationally indexed journals, is to increase the publication quality of our country.  It is known that incentives are given to journals above the threshold values determined in recent years, and as the Article Impact Score (MEP) of the journal increases, it is aimed for our researchers to receive more incentives with both high incentive amounts and author sharing privileges.

In the 2022 UBYT Programme, the MEP values calculated and published by JCR were taken as the basis for determining the incentive amounts. The 2022 UBYT Principles have not been changed, but some adaptations have been made for journals in AHCI since JCR started to publish MEP values for journals in the AHCI index. Accordingly, no threshold value has been set for AHCI journals as it was in the past. Rather, AHCI journals whose MEP values are published in JCR are incentivised with the incentive fee calculated according to the UBYT principles when it is above TRY 2000, and in other cases, they are incentivised with a fixed fee of TRY 2000.

Apart from these JCR-induced changes, incentive limits have also been increased by up to 100 per cent.

The new incentive limits to be applied in the 2022 UBYT Programme are as follows:

Incentive amounts: In the 2022 UBYT journal list, the incentive amounts have been determined as follows.



1000 TL



15000 TL



17500 TL



22500 TL

The amount of incentive for publication is determined as minimum TRY 1000 and maximum TRY 22500.

Inter-Author Sharing: Within the scope of encouraging international collaborations and researchers taking part in large working groups, sharing between authors for international scientific publications published in journals with MEPy (1.5) threshold and above will be made equally only among authors with Turkish addresses. Authors with foreign addresses will not be included in the incentive amount calculation. However, if the number of authors of the publication is above "10", the upper limit of the incentive fee to be paid to each author with a Turkish address has been determined as (TRY 6000) by the Board of Directors of TUBITAK.

Incentive Amount that an Author can receive in a Publication Year: The lower limit of the incentive amount that can be given to an author is TRY 500. For scientific publications published in international scientific journals below MEP: 1.0, the total amount of incentives that an author can receive will not exceed TRY 10000.

You can download the journal list from the link below.

TUBITAK 2022 UBYT Programme Journal List
