Support for the "SCOAP 3 for Books" Initiative from TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM!

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More good news has come out of our cooperation with SCOAP 3, in which Türkiye is represented by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. SCOAP 3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), based at CERN, provides support for studies in the field of high energy physics. TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM supported the "SCOAP 3 for Books" pilot initiative launched by SCOAP 3 in 2019 aiming to make books on high energy physics open access.

Within the pilot project, it was noted that the average annual usage of 19 Taylor&Francis titles increased by over 3,000% in 2021–2022 when compared to the three years prior to them being made open access. As a result of making these books open access in regions with limited library budgets, in a five-fold increase has been noted in the average number of countries accessing the content. As a result of these developments, Taylor&Francis has pledged its continued support of SCOAP 3 for Books, transforming the pilot into an ongoing program under which new eBook editions will be made available to everyone.

These results from the SCOAP 3 for Books pilot are testament to the power of open access. Proving the positive impact of open access funding, the SCOAP 3 for Books pilot program will make monographs and textbooks selected by SCOAP 3 open access at no cost to the authors.

SCOAP³ is a one-of-a-kind partnership involving more than 3,000 libraries in 45 countries, as well as major funding agencies and research centers and three intergovernmental organizations. Working with leading publishers, SCOAP³ makes key journals and books on high energy physics open access at no cost to the authors.

As TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, we attach great importance to open access and continue our support of making quality scientific studies freely available to all researchers around the world.

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