The first to receive a LibreOffice Developer Certificate in Turkey is Muhammet Kara – a software developer in Pardus Project.

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The first to receive a LibreOffice Developer Certificate in Turkey is Muhammet Kara – a software developer in Pardus Project.

LibreOffice is a globally popular office application enabling easy processing of open document format. Since the open document format started becoming popular in Turkey, its rate of use has been increasing day by day.

TÜBİTAK contributes to the popularization and improvement of LibreOffice.

As is known, the Document Foundation, a non-profit and neutral international organization, coordinates the improvement of LibreOffice.  The Foundation has deemed Muhammet Kara, serving as a developer in the Pardus project team, worthy of the title “LibreOffice Certified Developer”, which is granted to developers who make continuous and high-quality contributions to improvement of LibreOffice, and that is a first in Turkey. Currently, 55 developers hold this title all around the world.

Pardus congratulates our team member for his work.

For details of the certificate:
