12th ULAKNET Workshop Held in Antalya

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The 12th ULAKNET Workshop organized by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM was successfully held from 03 to 06 April 2018 in Antalya.

The Workshop had 218 attendees from 79 universities and 3 organizations, including TÜBİTAK BİLGEM KSM, TODAİE and Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History.

The Workshop mainly covered titles such as “ULAKNET’e Bakış” (Overview of ULAKNET), “ULAKBİM Akademik Bulut (OpenStack) Hizmetleri” (ULAKBİM Academic Cloud (OpenStack) Services), “ISO27001 Nasıl Uygulanır?” (How to Appply ISO27001), “Uzaktan Eğitimde Bulut Deneyimleri” (Cloud Experiences during Remote Training), “Üniversite Uygulamaları” (University Practices), “Farklı DNS Çözümü (NSD, Unbound)” (Different DNS REsolution), “Kablosuz Ağ Teknolojileri” (Wireless Network Technologies), “Kampüs Uygulamaları” (Campus Practices), ”Açık Kaynak Antispam Teknolojileri ve Örnek Yapılandırma” (Open Source Antispam Technologies and Sample Configuration), “Özgür Yazılımlarla Ağ Güvenliği” (Network Security with Free Software). The sessions had been organized to involve presentations and QA with participants.

On the last day of the Workshop, a ULAKNET End Managers meeting was held, which was ended with a session of “Evaluation and Closing."
