7th National Open Science Conference and OpenAIRE Advance Workshop will be held in İzmir

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7th National Open Science Conference and OpenAIRE Advance Workshop” will be held in Ege University, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi, Konak, İzmir on November 19-20, 2019 with the cooperation of TÜBİTAK, Council of Higher Education and Hacettepe University, and will be hosted by İzmir Advanced Technology Institute (İYTE).  

The object of the event of 7th National Open Science Conference and OpenAIRE Advance Project Workshop which will be held with the theme of “Sustainable Open Science and Equity in Open Knowledge” is to raise awareness about open access, open science and open data issues, to ensure that open science, politics, strategy, regulations, infrastructures and services in Turkey are compatible with European Union (EU), to share information about the projects carried out and planned by the Council of Higher Education, TÜBİTAK Presidency and TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, and to evaluate the current situation with the shareholders.

The European Union (EU) developed the European Open Science Cloud and OpenAIRE services to easily access, store, share and reuse scientific information and research data within the framework of the digital single market strategy. Detailed information and news about these issues will be shared during the meeting.

In the conference where experts and honorable speakers within the country and from abroad will participate, the following topics will be emphasized:

  • Necessary elements in transitioning to open science
  • Policies, strategies, regulations, standards and software infrastructures needed for Open Science applications
  • Research data management and open data towards open science
  • New generation academic archives
  • OpenAIRE services
  • Open science in Turkey
  • Europe Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
  • Open access, open data, open course resources
  • Open innovation and scientific communication
  • Alternative publishing models
  • New metrics in the evaluation of the research and research results
  • Universities having more scientific visibility

With all these initiatives, it is aimed that everyone can access information and data equally, the sustainability of open science is ensured and scientific and technological partnerships between the public and industrial sectors are increased.

On the related page, you can get information and register to participate in the 7th National Open Science Conference and OpenAIRE Advance Project Workshop

Conference web site: http://ab2019.acikbilim.org/
