Erasmus+ Program is to use YETKİM Service

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The digitalization efforts in the scope of Erasmus+ program, of which many Universities in our country are members, has gained momentum in 2021. In order for the member higher education institutions to share the student mobility data, a decision has been made for the use of EduGAIN authorization service, which is established and operated by the European Academic Network GEANT. YETKİM, the identity federation run by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) ULAKBİM for Turkish higher education and research institutions, is a part of the relevant service. Wherefore, the users of YETKİM federation member Universities will have a chance to independently access the Erasmus+ web service onsite with their institutional credentials.

A webinar was held on the 26th of May, 2021 to provide information on the qualifications to be published in the scope of Erasmus+ program and on the accession to YETKİM Federation for the technical personnel of ULAKNET user institutions. Our organization has been scrabbling for all Universities, which are affiliated with the program, to become YETKİM members until the 1st of September, 2021, by which the online education agreements will be made online.
