SCOAP3 launches open access for High-Energy Physics books

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We are pleased to announce that the High-Energy Physics books of SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) organization, of which TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) ULAKBİM is a member for Turkey and where it acts as a representative, are also made available publicly under open access.

The following four books of World Scientific publishing house have been made accessible openly through the publisher’s website. Moreover, the said books have also been uploaded to Portico. CERN, the organizer of SCOAP3, is now at the contract conclusion stage for the publishers other than World Scientific and the books are expected to be released under open access in the forthcoming months.

As an international consortium that has been established to centralize the monies paid by nations and institutions for High-Energy Physics (HEP) journals and to make HEP articles released therein available under open access, Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics/SCOAP3 is an open access project and is supported by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. TURKEY is one of the 46 members states of SCOAP3 consortium.


HEP Books Available for Open Access

Book Title Author Publication Year URL e-ISBN
Accelerator Physics Lee, Shyh-Yuan 2019 9789813274693
Challenges and Goals for Accelerators in The XXI century Stephen, Myers, and Bruning Oliver, eds 2016 9789814436403
Lattice Gauge Theories: an Introduction Rothe, Heinz J. 20212 9789814365871
Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum : Irreducible Tensors,
Spherical Harmonics, Vector Coupling Coefficients, 3nj Symbols
Varchalovich D.A., Moskalev, A. N., and V.K. Khersonskii 1988 9789814415491