Turnitin Summit MENAT 2021 was held on the theme of Academic Integrity

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The Turnitin Summit MENAT 2021 was held online on November 8 and 9, where Turnitin executives and guest speakers from the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey shared their knowledge, views, and expertise on the latest changes in education.

During the two-day event, Turnitin's vision of supporting academic integrity and the assessment landscape in the MENAT region was scrutinized.

At this first virtual summit hosted by Turnitin in the MENAT region, TUBITAK ULAKBIM Director M. Mirat Satoğlu  participated in the interview on "Collaborating with the Academic Community in Turkey for EMpowering Student Academic Honesty."

Satoğlu remarked on TUBITAK's mission in academic honesty to the audience and explained the impact of Turnitin- ULAKBIM cooperation on the academic community in Turkey, the benefits and difficulties encountered in this cooperation, and the solution processes. Moreover, he stated that TUBITAK ULAKBIM would continue to support and maintain awareness of this issue to expand tools such as Turnitin-iThenticate to measure academic honesty in our country concretely.

Turnitin and iThenticate are plagiarism and similarity checking programs, respectively, subscribed to on an ongoing basis under EKUAL. iThenticate is the program used to conduct article similarity analysis and has been available to universities under EKUAL since 2011. The analysis of term papers, project papers, and theses is done with Turnitin's similarity analysis program, used since 2018.

The collaboration between Turnitinand ULAKBIM has increased our country's awareness of academic honesty. The importance that TUBITAK attaches to this issue has been highlighted in the academic honesty seminars that Turnitin has been conducting since 2018. This collaboration found that building academic honesty is more robust and more effortless when the right tools are used, communication between the student and the lecturer has become healthier, and concrete data has been obtained within the concept of academic honesty.
