Announcement of European High Achievement Computing Master's Program

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The consortium of European partners, led by the University of Luxembourg, was supported by EuroHPC JU to create the first pan-European master's program in High-Performance Computing (HPC).

TUBITAK ULAKBIM will also take part in studies with the TRUBA center in the commission, where Middle East Technical University will take part as a participating university. The program, which is expected to start in the fall of 2022, will provide students with outstanding career perspectives in the rapidly developing HPC, High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA), and Artificial Intelligence fields.

A consortium of universities, research and supercomputer centers, and industrial partners located in Europe, with a total budget of 7 million Euros, will create the master's program with the following main objectives:

• Educating students in design, deployment, operation, and/or use of current and next-generation IBH and IBH-related technologies.

• To train experts skilled in ensuring the adoption and knowledge transfer of HPC in different strategic areas in industry and academia, thus linking HPC activities in industry and academia.

HPC system administrators, architects, proficient data scientists in HPC, HPC application developers, and expert HPC users is crucial factor driving digital transformation in Europe and requires the training of talented postgraduate students.

Although many university curricula include basic computer science and programming languages, education programs must adapt to the rapidly evolving HPC technology ecosystem. The curriculum of this pilot Master's program to be created in HPC will be designed in a modular structure. Thus full or partial integration into new or existing Master's programs will be easily possible.

One of the initiative's key aims is to strengthen mobility between European universities, research centers, and industry. The new HPC -based Master's program will reach scientific and industrial target groups and serve key actors in the private and public sectors.

EuroHPCJU announcement:
