Pardus Project to Showcase Company's Product Family at Saha Expo

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TUBITAK participated in the SAHA EXPO Defense & Aerospace Hybrid Exhibition, held for the third time this year. TUBITAK ULAKBIM Pardus Project presented its Octopus, Liderahenk, and EnGerek software and hardware solutions at the exhibition, which featured the respective institutes under the TUBITAK umbrella.,

M. Fatih Kaçır, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, visited the Pardus booth with TUBITAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal during his visit to the exhibition.

At the panel held within SAHA EXPO, one of our developers, Selin Akbuğa, introduced our nationally developed security systems to the domestic and foreign participants with her presentation on Octopus integrated cybersecurity system.

Turkey is safe in the cyber world with Pardus enterprise solutions

  • Integrated Cybersecurity System, Octopus

Octopus was developed with national resources and provided a solution for Turkey's security in the cyber world6. In addition to the open-source community version, the system, which includes 15 different cybersecurity components, is preferred by various enterprise customers, from military organizations to public institutions and the financial sector, with its enterprise solution running on dedicated Octopus hardware. The enterprise version of Octopus, an integrated cybersecurity product proven by its customer systems and its success in NATO CWIX and Locked Shields exercises, was exhibited at SAHA EXPO.

  • Central Management System, Liderahenk

Pardus also exhibited at SAHA EXPO its central management system, Liderahenk, which is used in strategic institutions, notably the Ministry of National Education. Liderahenk, which ensures the management of peripherals on the system with various plug-ins and keeps the system up to date with the application/package management plug-in, can centrally edit and change the properties of applications such as browsers, proxy servers, etc. under corporate policies. With its local or distributed LDAP-based solution infrastructure, Liderahenk can manage an unlimited number of computers and users on corporate networks and report corporate network events immediately and periodically with its monitoring and auditing capabilities.

  • Why is EnGerek necessary?

EnGerek, the identity management system developed by Pardus and used by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Strategy and Budget Division of the Presidency, was introduced to visitors at SAHA EXPO. EnGerek, a web-based, reliable, open-source identity management system, integrates seamlessly with all systems and manages user accounts centrally and automatically.

As the physical SAHA EXPO exhibit comes to a close, Pardus invites you to explore the company's family of products at the virtual SAHA EXPO show.

While the physical exhibition of SAHA EXPO ends, the virtual exhibition continues. Octopus, Liderahenk, and EnGerek from TUBITAK ULAKBIM Pardus Project and its family of products continue to meet their visitors at the virtual exhibition SAHA EXPO.
