An Assessment Meeting held with the Academics of the Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications Originating from Turkey (UBYT)

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The second meeting organized to receive some opinions and suggestions on the method of implementation for the next period of the UBYT Program was held on 04 May 2018 in the presence of the academics who had enjoyed the incentives offered by the UBYT Program.

Mehmet Mirat Satoğlu, Director of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, said during his opening speech that the aim of the UBYT program was to discuss, hear suggestions, create a common sense, and revise it. Mustafa Sancar, Deputy Director of ULAKBİM, made a presentation during the meeting, mentioning titles from the project reported based on an analysis of 25 years of data of the UBYT Program.

Then, other participants expressed their opinions about the subject.

They suggested the following common views:

  • The UBYT program be continued with improvements,
  • The Higher Council of Education be also involved in that formation,
  • Publications be evaluated by the number of citations they get,
  • Those journals included in the AHCI group be subjected to a separate evaluation,
  • Differences between different areas be definitely considered,
  • Fields to be prioritized be identified and encouraged.