A Meeting to Evaluate the Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications Originating from Turkey (UBYT) held at ULAKBİM

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A Meeting to Evaluate the Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications Originating from Turkey (UBYT) held at ULAKBİM

The second evaluation meeting with the aim of the UBYT program was to discuss, hear suggestions, create a common sense, and revise it was held on 25 May 2018, chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Murat Ar, Vice President of TÜBİTAK, and in the presence of Vice Chancellors of R&D Universities and assigned academics from the concerned universities.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Murat Ar, Vice President of TÜBİTAK, gave an opening speech, and informed that:

  • The journals of 2018 would be determined and announced through the current method of calculation;
  • To decide on the calculation method for the journals of 2019, a number of studies/meetings would be held and the objective was to conclude the works on legislation and principles by the end of year;
  • A meeting had been held with academics from different disciplines, who had applied to UBYT, and journal editors from TÜBİTAK to get their opinion on the issue; and
  • A draft model had been developed in line with the information acquired and opinions received.

 He also pointed out the following ideas featuring during the UBYT evaluation meetings:

  1. The UBYT system be continued with improvements,
  2. The AHCI Group be separately promoted,
  3. Incentives be granted based on citations,
  4. Incentives be granted for strategic fields with priority,
  5. Incentives be granted in consideration of the differences between different areas, and
  6. No apportionment between co-authors.


The draft model was also presented during the meeting. Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlker Murat Ar, Vice President of TÜBİTAK, explained the model under three titles:

  1. A system based on the Article’s Impact Factor (AIF),
  2. Grouping of journal lists (Top Group, Medium Group, AHCI Group),
  3. Apportionment of support payments between co-authors.

After the presentation, the participants took turns and expressed their views on the subject.
