Regional TR Index Workshop for Editors Held in Edirne

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The “Regional TR Index Workshop for Editors” was held by Cahit Arf Information Center, TUBITAK ULAKBIM, on May 6, 2019 in Edirne in order to improve the quality of national scientific publications and to introduce and provide training for the new interface of TR Index which serves as a National Citation Index and provides Performance Measurements.

The Workshop was organized for scientific journal editors, board members, and publishers, and provided information about the criteria and processed of TR Index, TUBITAK’s Open Science Policy, editorship, refereeing, ethical practices and predatory journals.

This program of four sessions hosted Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, President of Trakya University, Vice President Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Faculty Member Dr. Bülent Akyay, Manager of Balkan Research Institute, Mustafa Sancar, Deputy Director of Cahit Arf Information Center, EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Turkey Members from Trakya University, experts from TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Index Group, and academics.

Mustafa Sancar, Deputy Director of Cahit Arf Information Center, thanked Trakya University for hosting the first of Workshops for Editors and Vice President Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun for his great efforts to organize the workshop, and stated such programs for scientific journal editors, board members and publishers would continue in collaboration with different universities depending on the region concerned.

President Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu said that Trakya University was an expert on the Balkans and that a new field of expertise called “Journal Publishing” had emerged.  He added they were enhancing their expertise on this field as well thanks to the great efforts of Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun.

Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Vice President and TR Index Committee Member, told that they had held many serious scientific meetings thanks to the support of President Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, and that TR Index Committee member Prof. Dr. Orhan Yılmaz and he had translated the “Handbook for Journal Editors” by Pippa Smart into Turkish to meet the corresponding need in the field. Prof. Dr. Uzun noted 146 participants from all corners of Turkey had registered for the workshop and thanked them for coming all the way to learn and share something.

After the opening remarks, the sessions started. The Workshop comprised four sessions, the first of which was moderated by Mustafa Sancar, Deputy Director of Cahit Arf Information Center, and included TR Index expert Sibel Tabanlıoğlu’s presentation titled “About TR Index – Processes” and Nuray Demirkol’s presentation titled “What to consider in order to be involved in TR Index – Journal Assessment Criteria”.

During the second session moderated by Remzi Özer, TR Index expert Mehmet Boz presented information on Process Management Training for TR Index Editors and Ebru Soyuyüce Aydın on Open Science Policy and Practices.

During the third session moderated by Faculty Member Dr. Bülent Akyay, Prof. Dr. Cem Uzun, Vice President and TR Index Committee Member gave two speeches with titles “Editorship – How to improve your Journal in line with the International Standards” and “Ethics – Practices of Publishing Ethics with Examples for Editors”.

The final session moderated by Research Assistant Dr. Erdem Demiröz hosted Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kadri Kıran’s speech “Refereeing (Consulting)” and Prof. Dr. Zafer Koçak’s speech “Predatory Journals”.
The Workshop was closed after the participants were given their certificates and a group photo was taken.

Click here to access the Handbook for Journal Editors
