The Research Data Management and Open Science Workshop Has Been Held

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All the stakeholders of the subject at the Research Data Management discussed the concept of “open science”, one of the most important agendas of the academic field all over the world, and Open Science Workshop held by the cooperation of TÜBİTAK, Boğaziçi University, Hacettepe University, and İzmir Institute of Technology.

During the workshop, which Many academicians from Turkey and abroad and specialists in the field of data have attended; it was emphasized that data storage alone was not of importance and that the scientific world is now shaped by sharing data.

After the President of Boğaziçi University Dr. Mehmed Özkan emphasized that open development of publications means open innovation, Dr. Mehmet Mirat Satoğlu, who took over the microphone, stressed that technological opportunities increased scientific contact.

Stating that making the data and the software they are processed with public, is a serious opportunity for new developments, Satoğlu said that they are always following what is going on in the world and they have shown the greatest possible effort in order not to fall behind. After the opening speeches, starting with the question “What is open science” national and international experts have given various presentations on research data management and open science?

Prof. Dr. Yaşar Tonta from Hacettepe University was the moderator of the first session among the four sessions. The session cooperation started with the presentation of Vice President of Izmir Institute of Technology Dr. Ahmet Eroğlu on “Chemistry of Open Science” and continued with Head of Devices and Applications Group Tim Smith’s presentation on "Big Open Science in Practice”, TUDelft University Data Management Coordinator Marta Teperek’s presentation on “Towards Cultural Change in Data Management”. The second session, monitored by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Director Mehmet Mirat Satoğlu, started with the librarian and information systems expert Elli Papadopoulo’s presentation on “The Role of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), the Mission of the Early Career and Engagement Interest Group (ECEIG)”. And continued with Hacettepe University Department of Information Management Prof. Dr. Yaşar Tonta's presentation on “Open Science Infrastructure and Research Data Management”.

In the third session, which started after lunch and was monitored by Ibn Haldun University Library Director Sönmez Çelik; İlkay Holt, one of the consultants of Confederation of Open Access Repositories, made a presentation on “Framework Structures, Standards and Technology in Open Data Management”. Gültekin Gürdal made a presentation on “Open Data and OpenAIRE Advance for the European Union” and Ebru Soyuyüce made a presentation on “Towards the Open Archive”. In the last session monitored by Deniz Baltacı, Director of Sabanci University Information Center, Dr. Zehra Taşkın and Dr. Güleda Doğan made a presentation on “Management of Research Data and the Situation in Turkey”. Dr. R. Orçun Madran made a presentation on “How Should Open Science and Open Data Be?” and lastly Zeki Çelikbaş from İTÜ made a presentation on “Big Data.”

