Special Curricula Completed and Presented to the Public.

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The collaboration of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM and the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services has completed their work on development of curricula for special education courses.

With the special education, the aim is to raise each child with a disability as a productive and happy citizen who can live his/her daily life independently. Accordingly, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM and the General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services have collaborated to develop some curricula for special education courses at various school types and grades starting from the early childhood period.

45 academics and 43 teachers, all experts in special education, participated in the curriculum development based on scientific foundations with an innovative perspective. The process of curriculum development was managed by paying attention to create curricula that were sensitive to the needs of our children, reflective of recent developments in the field, and teacher-friendly programs.

Within the scope of curriculum development, this is the first time that some curricula have been developed for all areas of incapability in the early childhood (0 to 36 months) and preschool (37 to 78 months) periods. 29 curricula have been prepared for courses in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels (i.e. Elementary, secondary and high schools) of education where students with medium to severe mental disability and autism spectrum disorder are taught. In addition, 3 curricula have been developed for physical training and sports at different levels of education of visually impaired students.

With these 34 new curricula, the objective is to improve the quality of educational services offered to children with special educational needs. Before deciding on their implementation, the curricula have been made available on http://mufredat.meb.gov.tr/TaslakProgramlar.aspx for public opinion, suggestions and contribution.

