TR Index Process Management Training Has Been Held

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TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM organized the “TR Index Process Management Training” seminar on July 20, 2018 at the Ministry of Industry and Technology Conference Hall for journal editors and supervisors. The seminar was organized with the aim of introducing the index process management system ODIS and its usage.

The seminar started with the opening speech of TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Director Mehmet Mirat SATOĞLU. It was emphasized that new features were added to TR Index 1.0 version and the current structure of TR Index, citation and bibliometric features were included, and integration and processes were made more convenient and digitalized. It was informed that the new version of TR Index, which is the product of long-lasting works, would continue to be improved to be beneficial and productive for everyone.

The seminar continued with a presentation and a live demo of TR Index and was completed with the interactive question and answer section.

You may watch the training videos on the ULAKBİM TV channel.
