TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Data Portal Came into Service

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In Turkey, many research institutions including notably universities and researchers use information infrastructure established by, and information resources provided by the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. Turkish National Science e-Infrastructure, National Academic Network DergiPark, TR Index, National Collective Catalogue, Electronic Resources, National Academic License, ULAK Bulut, Turkey Academic Archive are just some of them.

The TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, which provides unique opportunities to its users by means of the services provided, has shared the status of the universities' utilization from these services and the related performance indicators on “veri.ulakbim.gov.tr“, which are specially prepared for each university. Scientific publication performances of our universities were published on the portal with numerical data through national and international citation indexes.

While presenting a lot of data such as the number of the publications and citations of the researchers in our universities in national and international journals, the number of the projects supported by the TÜBİTAK, the number of researchers working as editors and referees at the DergiPark, the portal also revealed the publishing power of our universities.

What are the achievements of universities?

By means of using information infrastructure provided by the ULAKBİM, universities may benefit from;

  • Free Internet infrastructure,
  • High-performance calculation and storage spaces,
  • Free ULAK Bulut infrastructure.

Furthermore, universities may benefit from the following services provided by the ULAKBİM by means of information resources;

  • Universities can have free access to scientific publications of leading international publishing houses.
  • Researchers receive incentives for the scientific publications they carried out.
  • Academic journals can benefit from the DergiPark hosting service, which has a free infrastructure in international standards.
  • Academic journals in the TR Index earn points in academic promotions.
  • The national academic performances of the researchers, journals and universities can be measured.
  • National scientific publications are offered to researchers all over the world with the ULAKBİM infrastructure.
  • International publications are analyzed according to country and institution performances.
  • Library resources of the universities are made available through the “Interlibrary Loan System”.
  • Library collections of the universities are shared across the country with the “National Collective Catalogue”.
  • The ULAKBİM’s rich periodical publication collection reaches researchers with the “National Document Supply Service”.

An institution competent in the processes of academic information services

The TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM provides services in Turkey as a competent institution by means of the information services provided and information systems established by the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM as of its foundation, and also by means of international cooperation and experienced works. The ULAKBİM, which acts as a fund provider under the TÜBİTAK, also leads to innovations thanks to the information technologies it uses.

Awareness on TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM and achievements of the universities

It is aimed to use the services more effectively by increasing the awareness on the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM, which carries out services nationally, by sharing the achievements of each university. In addition to this, it is ensured that the answers to frequently asked questions about this subject are shared on a common area.

Data will continue to be updated and shared in different formats

TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM will continue to analyze the ever-changing and enriching data systems and put the current data into the service of institutions and researchers through the address “veri.ulakbim.gov.tr“.

