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How can I contact to TRUBA operation center?

Whenever you need, you can contact to TRUBA operation center via e-mailing or calling 312 298 93 63.

How can I have an account on the system?

Any researcher who is working/studying in an academic foundation, may apply for a user account filling the application form; It is mandatory that, copy of the ID card and copy of the ID card which is supplied by the foundation should be send electronically or via fax by the applicant in order to the application to be approved. For the student applicants (undergraduate or graduate), a confirmation e-mail will be requested from a professor which the applicant is working with.

Is it possible to request privileged service due specialty of my project?

Due to the time requirements of some projects or industrial usage, it is possible to get privileged and paid computing service. If a privileged computing service requested, a pre-bill will be prepared in order to estimate the service costs.