Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications

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Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications (UBYT) was initiated by TUBITAK in 1993 with the objective of promotion of scientific publication. Within this program financial incentives of more than 5 M USD in 2013 (3.5 M USD in 2012) are used according to the impact factor and the cited half-life of a journal. The increase in the budget comes from a new method introduced to determine the amount of incentive for an article. The method enables first of all a better classification of journals so that the amount of incentive is calculated more fairly and secondly it makes a better promotion of higher quality articles possible. To further improve the fairness and effectiveness of the program, alterations have been made to the calculation method which will take effect for materials published in and after 2014. With this new method, a journal's Article Influence Score®, which is defined as a measure of the average influence of each of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication, will be used as the basis to determine the journal's impact on the scientific community with greater accuracy.