Ulusal Akademik Ağ

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IPv6 Handbook

IPv6 handbook, has been prepared within “Design of National IPv6 Infrastructure and Transition to IPv6 Protocol” project and includes basic know-how about IPv6 protocol, transition methods and configuration examples to be used in the IPv6 transition phase. IPv6 handbook has been prepared in Turkish.



KOVAN is an medium-interaction virtual IPv6 honeypot. KOVAN is designed to work both on local area and wide area. In wide area; KOVAN can emulate complex network topologies with lots of nodes and routers. In complex networks, KOVAN uses routing protocols to dynamically distribute routing information to virtual hosts. In local area; administrator can define nodes and distribute them among real nodes. The advantage of LAN mode is that it is hard to detect and distinguish such honeypots from real computers.


Pv6 exchange point was established by ULAKBİM to make IPv6 conformance and interoperability tests with other Turkish Internet Service Providers and universities. IPv6-DN was a free of charge service and finalized in 2011.

IPv6 Değişim Noktası Topolojisi

IPv6 Services

One of the key aims of the project is to build "Turkish IPv6 Test bed and Technology Research/ Development Platform (IPv6-GO)" to pioneer and facilitate research on the field of IPv6. IPv6-GO consists of IPv6 tests labs, dedicated data links between them and connected to not only academic but also commercial IPv6 backbone as well. IPv6-GO also serves as an IPv6 traffic peering point for Turkish Internet Service providers to test their networks infrastructure and services for transition.

IPv6 Training

3 days IPv6 training was given to public institutions as defined in "Plan for Public Sector's Transition to IPv6” circular issued by Prime Ministry. The training was completed on March 2012 as declared in the circular. Presentation material can be download from the following links (in Turkish).

Benefits of IPv6

IPv6 includes a list of new properties and procurements. Regarding the expanding Internet, these features aim for a better network service quality. Most important advancements for IPv6 may be listed as follows:

  • Extended address space
  • New security properties
  • Simplified header structure
  • Advances in QoS
  • Automatic addressing
  • Advances in IP Mobility
  • Extension Headers
  • Local protocols to communicate between neighbour nodes 


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