IPv6 Services

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One of the key aims of the project is to build "Turkish IPv6 Test bed and Technology Research/ Development Platform (IPv6-GO)" to pioneer and facilitate research on the field of IPv6. IPv6-GO consists of IPv6 tests labs, dedicated data links between them and connected to not only academic but also commercial IPv6 backbone as well. IPv6-GO also serves as an IPv6 traffic peering point for Turkish Internet Service providers to test their networks infrastructure and services for transition.

IPv6-GO will constitute a collaboration and cooperation platform among the researchers and academicians in Turkey. In addition, with the inclusion of commercial ISPs in the research activities over IPv6-GO, it will be a national scale test bed and development platform. Currently two Turkish ISPs connected to IPv6-GO exchange point to make IPv6 conformance and interoperability tests with other Turkish Internet Service Providers and Universities.

The main topics in the portfolio of the research activities over IPv6-GO are IPv6 advance features such as mobility, Quality of Service and multicast applications.

IPv6GO is designed to respond to the following needs.

Different test scenarios
IPv6-GO is designated to be suitable to try different test scenarios.

Remote manageability, accessibility
IPv6-GO enables different users to perform tests simultaneously. Even in the absence of physical access to the network applying the test scenarios requested is possible by remote access.

Variety of hardware and software
IPv6GO has a variety of hardware and software.

Different Transition methods
IPv6GO includes the appropriate hardware and software which enable all the possible transition methods (pure IPv6, dual stack, tunneling, translation)

Support of IPv6 Advanced Features
IPv6GO includes the appropriate hardware and software which enable the scenarios including usage of advanced features namely mobility, quality of service and multicast.,

General Topology IPv6-GO

IPv6GO test beds are setup on 3 different locations and 2 different cities namely ULAKBİM and Gazi University in Ankara and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University in Çanakkale. These testbeds are conneected to the National Research Network ULAKNET with 1000Mbit/s , 50Mbit/s and 200Mbit/s respectively. In addition to this there exists 2Mbit/s G.SHDSL connection for pure IPv6 traffic between ULAKBİM - Gazi University and ULAKBİM – Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. The IPv6GO network topology is given in the Figure 1.

