Ulusal Destekli

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National Funded

ULAKBIM is responsible for the implementation and operation of a nationwide, interactive, high speed, and sophisticated computer network, connecting the innovation centers in Turkey.

Besides maintaining this network; ULAKBİM has been carrying out Nationally and European Union supported projects, with the aim of providing information technology support to national innovation system and enabling the realization of R&D studies in the field of information technologies.


e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) ve HET (HPC Europe Task Force) are the main strategic groups, which are the most important planners of Europe in terms of e-science. The importance of e-infrastructure is underlined road map prepared by ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures). TR-Grid Re-IS  project, supported by SPO (State Planing Organization), started in accord with this situation is aimed at enduring the success of its antecedent project, TUGA. 

Project Objectives:

Turkish Sceince e-Infrastructure Strengthening

Turkish National e-Science e-Infrastructure (TRUBA) Strengthening project mainly aims to meet the needs of researchers who carry out the studies in Turkey, ongoing national and international projects on high performance computing, distributed computing and scientific data warehouse. The project is the continuation of the developed project TR-Grid Research e-Infrastructure Strengthening (TR-Grid ReIS).

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