The EUMEDCONNECT Project is a project supported by the European Commission under the EUMEDIS (EUro-MEDiterranean Information Society) Program. It is aimed with this project that a mutual research network is built and operated in order to provide the cooperation between the education and research networks of the countries located in the Mediterranean Region. ULAKNET has realized its first connection to GEANT, the European Academic Network within the scope of this project with a capacity of 34 Mb/s in 2002.
EUMedGrid ve EUMedGrid-Support
Empowering eScience Across the Mediterranean (2006-2008)
EUMEDGrid aims to provide specific support actions to assist the participation of the states of the Mediterranean region in the pan-European and worldwide Grid initiatives, thus expanding and supporting the European Research Area (ERA) in the region.
The core of the EUMEDGrid approach is to target the objectives of establishing a human network in the eScience area, enlarging and training this community, and establishing a pilot Grid infrastructure supporting proof of concept regional applications. This approach aims to bridge the digital divide between the less-resourced countries and the EU.
This work will pave the way towards the provision of a transparent and ubiquitous common market of computing resources to the various research communities in the region. Moreover, the integration into the wider European infrastructure will provide the research and education community of the region with access to a much larger pool of storage and computing resources than currently available in the non-Grid environment.
Project Objectives:
The first set of objectives focus on softer actions, with the overall aim of creating a human network in the area of Grids, eScience and eInfrastructures in the Mediterranean, and promote regional and international cooperation.
The second set of objectives focus the technical aspects and are intended to support, on the basis of an in-deep analysis of local requirements, the implementation of a pilot Grid infrastructure across the Mediterranean and the deployment of a set of test applications on it.
EUMEDGrid infrastructure is supported with EUMedGrid-Support project after January, 2010.
Sustainability of eInfrastructures Across the Medditeranenan (2010-2012)
The work already done in the EUMEDGRID project has led to a pilot Grid Infrastructure which covers almost all the Mediterranean Area. EUMEDGRID-Support will start from there and make a further step to push towards a larger production quality e-Infrastructure and the adoption of more sustainable organisational models for the provision of services.
To maximise outcomes, EUMEDGrid-Support adopts a two-fold approach: bottom-up approach - serving to raise awareness among researchers, students and technical personnel who can greatly benefit from using e-Infrastructures in their work; and top-down bringing into sharp relief the need for a policy framework developed with funding bodies highlighting the value-add and need for e-Infrastructures to empower researchers and advance the frontiers of scientific research.
EUMEDGrid-Support Project is ended in January, 2012.