GN3, GN2, GN3Plus

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GÉANT is the high bandwidth pan-European research and education backbone that not only interconnects Europe's National Research and Education Networks (NRENs), but also has extensive links to networks in other world regions thereby bringing users worldwide seamlessly together to collaborate on research and education.

The GÉANT network has long been considered the most advanced research network in the world. It provides unrivalled geographical coverage and an outstanding service availability of 99.999% to provide reliable access across the region.


ULAKBIM, together with 34 other European Research and Education Networks was a joint partner of the GN2 project. GN2 started in September 1, 2004 as a successor of the former GEANT project and was planned to run for 4 years. The project was carried out under the coordination of DANTE and TERENA (The European Association of Research and Education Networking Organizations). Within the scope of this project, ULAKNET had a 622 Mb/s connection to European Research and Education Network which was upgraded to 5Gb/s in July 2008.


GN3 project, which started in April 2009 and lasted for four years, is the successor of the previous GEANT and GEANT 2 projects. GN3 project was co-funded by 34 European National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and the EC under the EU's 7th R&D framework programme.
GN3 project was focussed on developing and rolling out tools and services to enable the research and education community to get the best performance possible from the network.

Within the scope of this project, ULAKNET had a fully backed up 10Gb/s connection to European Research and Education Network GÉANT. In addition ULAKBIM actively participated in the Joint Research and Service Activities (JRAs) of the GN3 project and A Multi-Domain Threat Analysis Tool - NfQuery had been developed during the project.


GN3Plus, the most recent GÉANT project, started in April 2012 and the works on the project had been scheduled for 24 months. GN3Plus project is a collaboration between 41 partners: 38 European NRENs, DANTE, TERENA and NORDUnet (representing the five Nordic countries). In total, the project represents 43 NRENs from Europe and nations with FP7 third country agreements. During the project ULAKNET connection to European Research and Education Network will be upgraded to 20 Gb/s.